How Much Does a New Heating System Cost?

How much a new heating system costs will largely depend on how much you can afford to spend on heating and which one you choose. Gas central heating seems like the obvious choice as it seems so easy to install and operate, however, with an increase in energy prices, it’s not an easy choice any longer. Which one you decide to go with is entirely up to you, but our main focus today will be on gas central heating systems.

If you have nothing already where you are living, perhaps you’ve bought a new property or the boiler in your property is broken, you’ll need to install a new one and have it installed by qualified and trained professionals. 

There are many different things to factor in when considering the costs.

The first is the complexity of the installation. Also, how easy or hard is it to install one in your home? For instance, is there extensive work needed on the piping, is it being installed in parts of the house where there are inaccessible areas? In order to prepare yourself, and your wallet, it would be a good idea to get a quote first before going ahead so there are no nasty surprises.

How many rooms are going to be in need of a radiator?

The style will have an impact on the cost, and also how many you need to install. If you have quite a few rooms that require heat then naturally it’s going to cost you more.

Which type of boiler will you choose?

What type of boiler you decide on will also have an impact on what you pay. You can choose between many different types of boiler such as system, combi or standard. There are many more to choose from and you’ll need to consider the type of property you have and the size of your family and their needs.

Labour and installation.

Then of course you need an excellent of qualified and trained professionals to install your central heating system. What you pay for labour will depend on the size of the job and the hourly rate they charge. Labour rates will vary a lot depending on where you live, so it pays to shop around and choose a team of plumbing engineers that are right for you and your budget. Give yourself time to think about it and don’t rush to make a decision.

Types of Boilers

A standard boiler is one of the most common choices in UK homes. They use a hot water cylinder to heat up the water and can be more expensive than other types of boilers. In terms of cost, we’re looking at around £1700 anything up to £3000.

Combi boilers are popular choices and use a small boiler unit to heat up water through the pipes. It doesn’t require a hot water tank and is reasonable in price. Prices vary but it’s anything from £1200 to £1600

System boilers are larger so if you have a big family, then this might be a perfect choice. They provide a continuous supply of water and use a cylinder or water tank. The prices vary from as little as £500 all the way up to £3000.

LPG boilers or liquid petroleum gas boilers which can go up in price to around £2000, and biomass boilers which are environmentally friendly and recycle, reuse and reduce the carbon footprint. Bio-matter is fed into the boiler which is then converted into gas. These are more heftily priced from £10 to £15k.

Radiators are either ornate or standard.

Designer radiators will stand out and away from the wall and are more expensive starting at £150 and going up to £1k. Standard radiators are much cheaper and stand flat against the wall starting at £20 and going up to 3 figures. 

Bryan Morris Plumbing & Heating - Expert Heating Engineers

If you’re looking to have a central heating system installed in your home and you’d like to discuss some of the things we’ve mentioned here, contact us and one of our fully qualified heating engineers will talk you through what’s involved and what to expect, we’re always here to help.

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